Capture amazing 3d virtual tours with world's widely used Matterport 3D cam contact: +

خدمة التوصيل
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1. Professional-grade 3D camera: The Matterport Pro 2 is a high-quality camera specifically designed for capturing detailed 3D models of physical spaces.

2. Immersive scanning capabilities: It utilizes advanced imaging technology and depth-sensing capabilities to create immersive and lifelike 3D representations of environments.

3. Simultaneous depth and color capture: The camera combines infrared sensors, high-resolution cameras, and software algorithms to capture depth information and c

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 Moin Saiyed

Moin Saiyed

( 0 )
عضو منذ 12-09-2023
وقت التجاوب خلال 13 ساعة


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